If you like rice, there's a way to prepare it to be lower-calorie and starch-resistant, and it's backed by science. Here's the original study: The Glycemic Potential of White and Red Rice Affected by Oil Type and Time of Addition Bhupinder Kaur, Viren Ranawana, Ai-Ling Teh, and C Jeya.K Henryy, and here is the PDF of the original study from sci-hub. The abstract is pasted below:
Limited research exists on how different oil types and time of addition affect starch digestibility of rice. This study aimed to assess the starch digestibility of white and red rice prepared with 2 oil types: vegetable oil (unsaturated fat) and ghee (clarified butter, saturated fat) added at 3 different time points during the cooking process (“before”: frying raw rice in oil before boiling, “during”: adding oil during boiling, and “after”: stir-frying cooked rice in oil). Red rice produced a slower digestion rate than white rice. White rice digestibility was not affected by oil type, but was affected by addition time of oil. Adding oil “after” (stir-frying) to white or red rice resulted in higher slowly digestible starch. Red rice cooked using ghee showed the lowest amount of glucose release during in vitro digestion. The addition of ghee “during” (that is boiling with ghee) or “before” (that is frying rice raw with ghee then boiling) cooking showed potential for attenuating the postprandial glycemic response and increasing resistant starch content. This is the first report to show healthier ways of preparing rice. White rice with oil added “after” (stir-fried) may provide a source of sustained glucose and stabilize blood glucose levels. Boiling red rice with ghee or cooking red rice with ghee pilaf-style may provide beneficial effects on postprandial blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and improve colonic health. The encouraging results of the present study justify extending it to an in vivo investigation to conclusively determine the effect of time of addition of fat when rice is cooked on blood glucose homeostasis.
Rice is a predominant source of energy in most of Asia with excessive consumption of rice being implicated in the rise of type 2 diabetes. Stir-frying white rice can be a source of sustained glucose and provide a stabilizing effect on blood glucose levels. Boiling red rice with ghee or cooking red rice with ghee pilaf-style may provide beneficial effects on postprandial blood glucose and insulin concentrations. This suggests how a single technique of adding fat in the cooking of rice at certain time points may be a useful method in providing taste and lowering glycemia..
If you're doing bulletproof carb cycling/interval ketosis, it's best to do this on your higher-carb/non-keto cycle. However, the theory is that the coconut oil slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so that you do not get a spike of glucose and it is more like a prolonged carbohydrate release such as when you eat vegetables on Bulletproof ketosis.
When prepared in this way, it's safe to have on ketosis-inducing diets, such as the superior Bulletproof carb cycling/cyclical keto diet (which is better because being on ketosis non-stop is not good; here's why; or to summarize: The keto diet has some drawbacks, namely, thyroid issues, insomnia, dry eyes, and exhaustion, which could make it tough to sustain long-term. Cyclical keto diets give you all the benefits of keto without the side effects, making it easier to stick with.).
The theory is that the coconut oil slows the absorption so you do not get a spike of glucose; it's more like a prolonged release such as when you eat vegetables when in a state of ketosis.
As a general rule, any protein or fat cooked in the rice lowers the glycemic index; fried rice with meat and eggs is a low-GI food as long as the proportion of rice to protein/fat isn't too high.
My hack is to freeze the finished Rice in a large, shallow container (shallow to save vertical space and large because when it freezes, it will clump together) in the freezer immediately after cooking. It comes from an ancient Chinese medicine tradition that shows how long-cooked congee, also known as Rice Porridge, is very healing.
Related posts on man-made Arsenic levels in Rice:
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5502079/
- https://www.drkarenslee.com/homemade-rice-milk/ <<== Essentially, you should only consider buying rice from Thailand and India.
- https://www.drkarenslee.com/get-arsenic-out-of-rice-now/