Thursday, November 18, 2021

Shoreware Script to Enable Remote Control Of Shoretel VoIP Switches

 If you do any type of regular troubleshooting on ShoreTel platform one command you are constantly executing is  ipbxctl.  For those new to the ShoreTel platform, you cannot telnet to a remote ShoreGear device without first enabling telnet from your HQ server.

To simplify the process I created the simple script below and copied it to a directory in my Windows path;


"D:\Program Files\Shoreline Communications\ShoreWare Server\ipbxctl" /telnenton %1

Now instead of navigating to ShoreLine directory, I can just type “telneton” from a windows command prompt and I will be able to telnet to the remote ShoreGear device.  Simple, but it works well.

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